Minnesota and North Dakota Voter's Guide

Forum Communications Co., in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and of North Dakota, is providing this voter guide to help keep you informed ahead of the 2024 election.

  • Learn where candidates running for office in your community stand on the issues.
  • Build your ballot before voting. Print or email the information to use as a reference when you actually vote.

We do not save your information; it will be lost when you leave this page. Only candidates that appear on your ballot will be listed. Additional information may be available for your area so be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for other voters’ guides.

Clearwater Township Town Supervisor Seat B

A town supervisor serves on the town board of supervisors. The board makes any decisions on behalf of the town. This includes entering into or awarding contracts, authorizing spending, or adopting ordinances and resolutions.

Click a candidate icon to find more information about the candidate. To compare two candidates, click the "compare" button. To start over, click a candidate icon.

  • Candidate picture

    Fred Mische

  • Candidate picture

    Jerry Raisanen

Biographical Information

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

What actions, if any, would you take to promote social and economic prosperity of town residents? (500 characters)

I have lived in Clearwater Township since 1992. I have 12 years of small business ownership experience. I served on the Clearwater Township Land Use advisory committee to help guide growth decisions in our township. I currently work in the Process Improvement field. With these experiences I believe I bring an analytical and methodical approach to understanding issues within our community and finding best practice solutions.
Growth and land use, road surfaces, Board member absences. Growth and land use ties in with road surfaces because as growth increase, traffic increases and wear and tear increases. Board Members absences affects how decisions are made and how votes occur.
Creating land use plans that allow individuals to use their land to create income without substantially impacting their neighbors.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.

The League of Women Voters of Minnesota and North Dakota crafted the questions sent to the candidates in the Spring of 2024. They reached out to candidates based on contact information in their public candidate filings. Candidates with email addresses were invited and reminded with emails. Candidates with only mailing addresses were sent a letter. Candidates with phone numbers received a phone call as well.

Candidate responses are published as they responded and have not been edited, except when responses were longer than the given character limit. In those cases, the responses are truncated.

VOTE411 is brought to you by the League of Women Voters Education Fund and League of Women Voters of Minnesota Education Fund. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office.