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My qualifications are
UofMinnesota Architecture 5 yrs
Architectural Firm 8 yrs
MN licensed Building Contractor 32 yrs
Excelsior City Council 4 yrs
Excelsior Heritage Preservation Commission 18 yrs
Excelsior Resident/Community Volunteer 25 yrs
Excelsior Business Owner/Excelsior Mill Developer 35 yrs
My architecture education, business ownership, construction experience gives me knowledge to evaluate projects.
I have worked with the City of Excelsior to change an industrial zoned property to a retail zoned property which provided for the conversion of an obsolete lumber yard into a thriving retail center.
I make decisions with broad based knowledge, common sense, and facts- keeping taxes down and quality of life up.
Item 1
To plan for the replacement of the hastily demolished City Hall
Why: to reestablish a permanent home for our City.
Item 2
Be fiscally responsible
Why: to be good stewards of finances to keep taxes as low as possible and provide the services of good government.
Item 3
To maintain a high level of cost effective planning for future development
Why: to maintain the historic character of Excelsior and the desirability to live,work, and play here.
I walk daily with my dog, Daisy, observing and engaging in conversation with neighbors and visitors. I will continue to engage Excelsior citizens, discussing topics affecting us.
I encourage residents to get involved; attend City meetings to hear firsthand what is being discussed. Know that "OPEN FORUM" is an opportunity to talk directly to City Council and Mayor. Presenting in person impacts the Council and residents hearing your concerns.
Please contact me to discuss your Excelsior concerns.
I will adhere to the open meeting laws and the laws that address conflict of interest between issues, positions, personal gain that may arise during City Council activities.
I will continue to be an advocate for the detail of good government, fiscal responsibility, appropriate design,
quality construction and documents.
I take pride in my fact finding ability and my strong desire for truth in making informed decisions.
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I am running for City Council because I care about my community. I come from a strong background of community service, and I view serving on City Council as a continuation of that. I am currently Chair of Excelsior’s Heritage Preservation Commission. Through that work, I have learned a great deal about our history, and I have learned how to solve controversial issues. I have been called unbiased and an independent thinker, and I have a proven ability to work with people from a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds. If Excelsior voters send me to City Council, they will get a public servant who will work hard to make the city successful for everyone.
Excelsior’s history lives large in our community, and we have to remember that we are on a continuing timeline. The decisions we make today will create tomorrow’s history. For that reason, I believe in Progress with Preservation. My priorities will be smart, right-sized development that looks forward while respecting the past, parking solutions that generate revenue without burdening residents, and appropriate budgeting for infrastructure, city hall and our incredible parks.
One of the least talked about aspects of Excelsior is its income disparity. Yes, we have wealthy people here, but we also have double the poverty rate of Wayzata, and far too many residents spend more than half their income on housing. Every resident in Excelsior deserves consideration as we make city-wide decisions. I will work with state and local agencies to bring supportive services for those in need, and I will advocate for development that brings jobs and good housing choices for all.
Transparency in government is essential for maintaining the public trust. In Excelsior, we have many accessible opportunities for residents to witness and be involved in our processes, and I encourage everyone to stay up to date. When there are legitimate questions about issues that may be unclear, I will always advocate for clarity. Where there are rumors and suspicion, I will strive to educate. Sunshine really is the best disinfectant, and we should never fear the truth.
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