Minnesota and North Dakota Voter's Guide

Forum Communications Co., in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and of North Dakota, is providing this voter guide to help keep you informed ahead of the 2024 election.

  • Learn where candidates running for office in your community stand on the issues.
  • Build your ballot before voting. Print or email the information to use as a reference when you actually vote.

We do not save your information; it will be lost when you leave this page. Only candidates that appear on your ballot will be listed. Additional information may be available for your area so be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for other voters’ guides.

ISD #281 School Board Member {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

School board members oversee the care, management, and control of schools. This includes hiring, firing, and overseeing superintendents, who manage the day-to-day affairs of the district. They also set levies to fund the district and create school policies.Learn more here: https://www.lwv.org/blog/voting-local-matters-why-vote-school-boardA candidate forum for this race is available at https://rdale.granicus.com/player/clip/1281?view_id=2&redirect=true. More MN forums are available at https://www.lwvmn.org/2024-candidate-forums.

Click a candidate icon to find more information about the candidate. To compare two candidates, click the "compare" button. To start over, click a candidate icon.

  • Candidate picture

    Helen Bassett

  • Candidate picture

    Barbara Breher

  • Candidate picture

    Deborah Campion

  • Candidate picture

    Greta Evans-Becker

  • Candidate picture

    Aviva Hillenbrand

  • Candidate picture

    Aileen White

  • Candidate picture

    Kenneth Wutoh

Biographical Information

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

Contact Phone 763-218-1793
Campaign Twitter Handle @none
I use of accepted practices, my track record and history of collaborative work with superintendents and board directors is proven. I pursue methods and means to improve academic achievement for each student. My experience in evaluation of the superintendent, is important. I have the willingness, temperament and courage needed to respectfully ask tough questions. My knowledge of the district as a parent, and citizen has been gained over many years. I will do all I can to support efforts that improve collaboration. Balance is important on the board. My adherence to ethical practice, and my proven performance, have yielded tangible results for the district in tangible ways for over 20 years.
1. Integrate increased parent and student voice in the strategies to improve academic achievement. 2. Creation monitoring systems that better tie back to the strategic plan, supplement multi-tied systems of support (MTSS), and increase the frequency of academic progress reports to the board. 3. Creation of community partnerships with district leaders to help plan for future ready facilities, right- sizing the district, factor enrollment trends, operation costs, and fiscal stability.
Review the fund balance, reset the policy as needed. Task the superintendent with assessing the effectiveness, and efficacy of programs with recommendations on reducing in competing programmatic choices. Require buildings/program areas to identify cost saving measures, within set parameters. Fit all budget priorities within the parameters of forecasted revenue vs expenditures for at least 3-5 years out, and developing a plan and timeline to fit the scenario described, inclusive of budget cuts.
Hold a series of neighborhood-based listening sessions in affected neighborhoods, with a focus on the topic. Invite/require principals and district senior program leaders to attend. Harvest the feedback through a facilitated process. Integrate findings into the strategic plan, based on the data.. Initiate an internal and external campaign to educate stakeholders on the findings and identify community champions to adopt a building to support to increase cultural competence and awareness.
I’ve worked full-time for all 22 years I have served. I will retire from my employment in 2025. I will visit schools, and attend activities where parents go. I will support listening sessions. I will develop and deploy new ways to reach out to families and community, and vet ideas with parent groups. I will volunteer throughout the district, once I retire. I plan to be more active through my local LWV chapter. I may begin to write an education blog, and perhaps join an education advocacy group.
Campaign Email BarbBreher@gmail.com
I have two children in the district - 5th grade and 8th grade. Being fortunate enough to have students in the district, I hear about the amazing opportunities they have access to on a daily basis, but I also hear of their thoughts and worries for the next day and well into the future. The current problems the district is faces have a direct impact on the long term success of our students, the community, and the district as a whole.

I would like the opportunity to represent parents/guardians and property owners in the district boundaries along with primary focus on supporting staff and students having the ideal environment for learning and development in all areas. I want to be part of the change many of us would like to see.
There are 3 areas of focus & they align with current and ongoing concerns:

1. Responsible & Thoughtful Use of Resources​ - budget, people resources, technology, facilities, etc.

2. Rebuilding Trust & Accountability - the district has a lot of trust to rebuild with nearly all stakeholders and that requires communication, thoughtful decisions, and honesty.

3. Safety & Well-Being - behavioral health support & not being afraid to go to school each day.
Try to find efficiencies and the most thoughtful ways to use existing resources while avoiding making clear program and staff cuts immediately. There are creative ways of doing things that can often provide an even more enriching educational experience without costing more. Often staff in the school know more than anyone about new programs and platforms for teaching so listening is critical. The Board needs to try and understand what each school needs, not what they think is needed.
I would try to determine the best way to collect feedback from more stakeholders. There are platforms to submit concerns and ideas - they should be used more effectively. Many parents/guardians might want to know about programs and resources that help support successful outcomes in school but don't know which could apply to them. There is so much out there but it can be overwhelming which can also be discouraging. Meet people where they are at and ask questions - listen.
Respect. Try to meet people where they are at and use the many existing feedback channels more often - in using those, people expect a response (even if it isn't what they want to hear) so being timely and responsive is a way to build connections and trust. Avoid retaliation related to construction feedback - there is always room to grow, learn, and advance when new and better ideas come along - being too proud to admit you are wrong shouldn't be a reason to avoid issues or become petty.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Campaign Website http://Gretafor281.org
Facebook (Full URL) http://Facebook.com/gretafor281/
I was an educator for over thirty years, including working for sixteen years in the Robbinsdale Area Schools and twelve years as a principal in Golden Valley. I earned my Master’ s Degree in Child and Family Studies, a Doctorate in Educational Policy and Administration, my Principal Licensure, Superintendent Licensure, and Staff Development Certificate. I know how hard it is to be an educator. I can see the big picture. I do my homework. I am a collaborator. I can find common ground and reach consensus. I listen to stakeholders and understand the importance of using data in making decisions. I want to use my experience and skills to work with our new Superintendent to help our school district reach its full potential.
Safety--Building/site security and personal safety. Students and staff need to be safe physically and emotionally in order to learn, teach and be their best selves. Academic Achievement,-It is a moral imperative that all students can learn and achieve at high levels. Teachers need to be supported with professional development in research-based strategies. Fiscal Responsibility. the budget needs constant monitoring to ensure we are not overspending and are meeting the needs of our students.
Budget cuts are never easy. We must cut the budget as far away from our students as possible. Data must be examined to reconcile our needs with our wants and spending. Programs will need to be prioritized. Stakeholders need to have input into where cuts must be made. We cannot make kneejerk cuts that will cost us more in the long run. The process needs to be transparent and communications with the community need to be ongoing.
Having things equal is not equity. Equity is each person, each learner getting what they need to be successful. Disparities exist and we must seek them out in all areas and address them head on. We must ask how groups of students and staff might be experiencing school climate, academic achievement, or disciplinary/behavioral events differently. We need to use this information in our decision making and ensure funding and supports get put in place to address the disparities.
It is important to try to listen to many voices and examine data from surveys rather than just listening to the loudest voices in a room. I attend listening session each month, I am out in the community and visible at community events. I read my emails and respond to writers that I have read them. I visit our schools and attend school events where I interact with teachers and families. As a board we can ask for surveys to gather information from our stakeholders and we must use that data in maki
I am deeply commitment to providing our students with a high-quality, culturally relevant education. As a parent of three district students (two current & one graduate) and with over a decade of experience in public school community education, I understand firsthand the challenges and opportunities facing our schools.
Foster a culture of inclusivity: Celebrate diversity and ensure that all students, families, and staff feel welcome and respected. Achieve financial stability: Identify solutions to complex funding challenges. Contribute to good governance: Cultivate a climate of civility among school board members, while providing support and oversight to the superintendent's leadership
Cutting budgets and shrinking programs may lead to short term gain, but are detrimental in the long term. If cuts are necessary, best practice is to find areas of efficiency to maximize the resources at our disposal.
The key to addressing racial and economic disparities is to first dig into the data. Clear data will illuminate the specific areas of concern. Then specific goals and initiatives can be developed, implemented and monitored.
I will prioritize gathering input from all stakeholders to ensure their perspectives are fully considered in decision-making. This will involve directly engaging with community members to understand their concerns and ideas related to the challenges facing Robbinsdale Area Schools.
Contact Phone 6123104569
As a candidate for RAS School Board, I bring my experience from having lived and worked within the district for years. From being a substitute to a full-time employee at the high school, and as a parent of three RAS graduates, I’ve seen the district from all sides. I have a strong connection to the staff, the programs, and the changes we’ve experienced. I’m not afraid to ask tough questions and challenge processes to get to the heart of issues. My deep knowledge and active engagement with RAS gives me a unique perspective to advocate for meaningful improvements and focus on our students and front line workers.
My top priorities are:

* Increasing community involvement in board discussions by actively engaging stakeholders where they are. * Ensuring full financial transparency and accountability in decision-making. * Addressing safety and student behavior concerns with clear, proactive district responses.

By fostering inclusion and transparency, we can build stronger partnerships and ensure the district's focus stays on what’s best for students and families
As a community member, I’ve asked about implementing "zero-based" budgeting but haven’t received a response. With LARGE budgets, every item should be examined and justified. Starting from ZERO allows us to rethink spending and assess what’s truly necessary versus what has become routine. Just like with household budgets, it’s important to reevaluate spending habits to ensure funds are used efficiently and effectively.
To be able to address racial & economic disparities, as a board we need to identify where the disparities are, invite those who are aware and/or who are impacted to the table to hear where the gaps are and how as a school community we can do better. It is never easy to walk in another person's shoes, we can only support when we know what supports are needed and welcomed. Finding the balance and venue for all to converse is where we start.
To engage teachers and families in decision-making, the board must meet them where they are. Attend community events, visit schools, and offer flexible times for meetings. Use surveys to reach different groups, and provide various channels for feedback. It’s crucial to respond promptly to those who reach out. In a diverse district like RAS, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work—we need to adapt to the unique needs of our community to ensure their voices are heard.
Contact Phone 7015704006
Campaign Email Kenwutoh@yahoo.com
As a dedicated parent and advocate for our district’s children, I began my journey as a classroom teacher in Ghana, working alongside Peace Corps volunteers. With a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and an MBA focused on Leadership Change Management, I bring a unique perspective to educational challenges. I believe in the power of listening and understanding diverse viewpoints, especially in our varied community. By fostering meaningful dialogue, we can navigate complex issues and find common ground. Committed to lifelong learning and effective governance, I aim to collaborate with board members, community leaders, and educators to create lasting solutions. Together, we can ensure every child thrives and every voice is valued.
1. Safety is non-negotiable; I will advocate for policies that create a secure, nurturing environment for all students, including comprehensive staff training. I will empower the Superintendent to prioritize safety and foster strong partnerships with parents. 2.Collaboration is essential for our district's success. I aim to encourage constructive dialogue among board members, educators, and parents. 3. I prioritize financial responsibility and transparency to enhance education for every child.
My strategy prioritizes transparency and minimizes impacts on students. First, I would engage stakeholders through open dialogue to gather input and align decisions with community values. Second, cuts would be evaluated based on their effects on student learning and well-being, safeguarding essential programs. Third, I would analyze efficiency, optimizing staffing models and exploring shared services, I would seek alternative funding through local and state sources. Review programs periodically
I will advocate for equity in education. If elected, I will engage the community to push for policy reviews that address inequalities in housing, healthcare, and economic opportunities. I support equitable funding formulas that allocate resources based on student needs, ensuring schools in low-income areas receive necessary support. Promoting culturally relevant policies, investing in teacher training for cultural competency, and using data-driven decision-making to help close equity gaps.
It's essential for teachers and families to have a voice in our decision-making process. I will actively seek diverse perspectives through face-to-face meetings, surveys, community forums, and targeted questionnaires to ensure all voices are heard. Transparency will be a cornerstone of my approach; I will clearly cite sources and outline the risks and benefits of each decision. We can foster meaningful change and build a stronger, more equitable educational system when all voices are heard.

The League of Women Voters of Minnesota and North Dakota crafted the questions sent to the candidates in the Spring of 2024. They reached out to candidates based on contact information in their public candidate filings. Candidates with email addresses were invited and reminded with emails. Candidates with only mailing addresses were sent a letter. Candidates with phone numbers received a phone call as well.

Candidate responses are published as they responded and have not been edited, except when responses were longer than the given character limit. In those cases, the responses are truncated.

VOTE411 is brought to you by the League of Women Voters Education Fund and League of Women Voters of Minnesota Education Fund. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office.