Minnesota and North Dakota Voter's Guide

Forum Communications Co., in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and of North Dakota, is providing this voter guide to help keep you informed ahead of the 2024 election.

  • Learn where candidates running for office in your community stand on the issues.
  • Build your ballot before voting. Print or email the information to use as a reference when you actually vote.

We do not save your information; it will be lost when you leave this page. Only candidates that appear on your ballot will be listed. Additional information may be available for your area so be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for other voters’ guides.

Edina City Council Member {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

As local legislators who sometimes have executive power, council members can propose ordinances, set administrative policy, and authorize the budget proposed by the mayor. They oversee all city activities, including city services, programs, licensing, and public safety. Mayoral appointments to city government typically require council approval.Voting in local elections is important - learn more here: Why Vote for City CouncilA candidate forum for this race is available at https://youtu.be/982AyOcaweY?si=TR0y-T7y72vY6Fq_. More MN forums are available at https://www.lwvmn.org/2024-candidate-forums.

Click a candidate icon to find more information about the candidate. To compare two candidates, click the "compare" button. To start over, click a candidate icon.

  • Candidate picture

    Ryan Daye

  • Candidate picture

    Carolyn Jackson

  • Candidate picture

    James Pierce

Biographical Information

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

How do you plan to engage with and represent all members of our diverse community?(500 characters)

What steps will you take to ensure transparency and accountability in city government? (500 characters)

Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Campaign Website http://Carolyn4Edina.com
Contact Phone 9528361770
Campaign Email carolynforedina@gmail.com
The voters will decide who is the “best.” As an incumbent, I have a record of actions which the voters can use to evaluate my fitness. I have lived in Edina for 24 years and have led many community organizations, from Girl Scouts to a Parent Teacher Organization to the city’s Energy and Environment Commission. I have a broad network of residents who know my work and counsel my decisions. As an attorney, I have worked in municipal finance. I have also represented voting rights and Greater Minnesota Cities at the Capitol. We have many advantages in Edina, not only property wealth, but wealth in community engagement and leadership. I will never take those advantages for granted and will always do my part to build the future of our community.
Ensuring success of our newly developed police alternative response team. Hennepin County is rebuilding the Southdale Library which may also house the Edina Art Center. Having introduced the idea of joining the two services, I want to see this project completed. The Vernon Ave/50th Street bridge over Highway 100 is dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians. We can build a safer bridge and interchange. This will clear up land for a needed third fire station. I want to see this project completed.
Edina developed a “values viewfinder” shortly after my term began based on direction we had given staff. Every decision considers racial equity, environmental sustainability, health and community engagement. Engagement looks different for different decisions, but seeking out all members of our diverse community is part of the strategy for each decision. I welcome people to come to me with concerns and questions. I also attend as many community events as possible so I come to people, too.
I constantly strive to communicate with the public in plain language and with clear examples. We have a new “progress portal” for sustainability, advisory commissions, budget workplan, and race and equity plan. We have staff members to manage programs to respond to public needs, such as a redevelopment coordinator and an organics coordinator. We have increased funding for responding to data practices requests. We hold meetings live in person and online so people can participate remotely.
I am the best person for this position because I enter into the work without an overly inflated sense of the value of my singular perspective. My approach as a leader, is to seek out and unite diverse perspectives while finding common ground to advance our city. Acknowledging multiple valid viewpoints on any issue is crucial, and I am committed to considering them all to develop a balanced strategy that serves the best interests of all residents, while yet keeping an eye on the future.
Making sure we refine our decision-making processes to ensure that the council has the best most relevant information for all critical decisions.

I will continue to focus on finding creative and innovative ways to improve housing affordability, as our median home value continues to approach $1M.

Improving community engagement, Ensuring all decision represent the needs and desires of all residents.
This is a focus I have always had. This year I have met with community leaders representing ethnic communities who are not always included. I have also plan to have specific meet and greets with diverse communities.
I will continue to work with City Staff to clarify information requests I am hearing from residents. I will also work with the City Manager to ensure we further enable a culture of accountability and a resident focus within all service areas.

The League of Women Voters of Minnesota and North Dakota crafted the questions sent to the candidates in the Spring of 2024. They reached out to candidates based on contact information in their public candidate filings. Candidates with email addresses were invited and reminded with emails. Candidates with only mailing addresses were sent a letter. Candidates with phone numbers received a phone call as well.

Candidate responses are published as they responded and have not been edited, except when responses were longer than the given character limit. In those cases, the responses are truncated.

VOTE411 is brought to you by the League of Women Voters Education Fund and League of Women Voters of Minnesota Education Fund. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office.