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I am the best candidate for Mayor of Blaine because I am dedicated to the actual residents of Blaine. I bring no personal agenda nor connections to PACS or private interest groups to drive the Blaine city development agenda. I believe in sharing the bounty and the burden for a community's growth, which means revitalization and maintenance are every bit as important as new development. When we do develop, we need to be hyperconscious of sustainability and environmental impact while conducting full due diligence before approving major contracts. Also, the city government has to uphold the highest standards of ethics, transparency, and accountability to the residents and taxpayers. The office is meant for service, not for personal gain.
My top three priorities are:
1) A fully funded and elite emergency response community of police, fire, and EMS. The safety of our people is first and foremost.
2) City leadership is responsive and accountable to the needs of the residents first. Our allegiance must be to the community we represent.
3) We do all we can to support our business members and residents through the upcoming Hwy 65 improvement project. The lengthy construction will challenge our local economy and neighborhoods.
It's a matter of being willing to take the heat when we make mistakes. There may be mistakes like the recent $1.5 M scam because we're human and criminals are sophisticated, but a fast and open response to the community is essential to building trust. Additionally, city leadership must practice ethical behavior and accountability in their personal and professional lives. It matters how you conduct business away from the elected role. I will support a recall process for elected officials.
Technology continues to evolve, and tools exist for polling residents in specific target areas impacted by council decisions. Town hall events that are also held virtually can give greater access. Community outreach efforts like "Coffee with a Cop" held by government officials would provide access and build relationships. Regular open office hours, school visits to encourage youth involvement... I think people are more likely to engage when they know us as regular people who are serving them.
Funding and support.
Blaine is fortunate to have an excellent public safety team that believes in community-focused policing. There is already a lot of positive PR taking place. One area I would discuss with the public safety team is a high-visibility presence wherein a segment of the force is in easily identifiable vehicles to create the "halo effect" that reduces negative behaviors and sends a message that we're here to help. Bad guys still need catching, though. I wouldn't compromise that.
Prior to being elected Mayor in 2020, I served 4 consecutive terms representing Blaine, in the Minnesota House of Representatives, from 2008 to 2016. During my time in the State Legislature, I served in various leadership positions. This experience has helped me serve Blaine as your mayor. I understand how to bring together state and federal leaders to ensure our tax dollars are brought back into our community, as we've seen with the successful HWY 65 funding. I have also been able to bring focus and strategy on economic development, and support for public safety has led to a 37% decrease in serious crimes in Blaine, while crime has risen in other parts of the metro.
Infrastructure: I led the effort to secure over $200 Million in funding for HWY 65 reconstruction! This project will save lives and be a key in unlocking a beautiful future for the city of Blaine. I will continue to bring this effort throughout the city and our pavement management program.
Economic Development: Strategy & focus on economic development means more jobs, amenities for residents to enjoy, and a rising commercial tax base to ease the tax burden on residents.
Public Safety
These are all ideals that are greatly important. As mayor what I don’t want to see are these essential tenants of good government misused and become clichés in our political discourse. In my time as mayor, we created a code of conduct, and strengthened our council policies and procedures to hold all city elected officials accountable to the defined standards and the qualities of transparency, accountability and ethical conduct.
Every elected official is given a great responsibility to represent the voters and members of our community. A current council-directed strategic priority includes improving and bolstering our city communication & resident engagement, with the goal of an inclusive, engaged and involved community. I absolutely welcome engagement from citizens, whether is grabbing a cup of coffee, or listening through an email. I highly encourage residents to engage with the elected officials and city government.
In my first term as Mayor of Blaine, serious crime has decreased 37% in Blaine, while crime has been on the rise in other parts of the metro area. I will continue to call our heroes to the highest standards of professionalism, respect, and accountability while they serve and protect our great community.