Minnesota and North Dakota Voter's Guide

Forum Communications Co., in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and of North Dakota, is providing this voter guide to help keep you informed ahead of the 2024 election.

  • Learn where candidates running for office in your community stand on the issues.
  • Build your ballot before voting. Print or email the information to use as a reference when you actually vote.

We do not save your information; it will be lost when you leave this page. Only candidates that appear on your ballot will be listed. Additional information may be available for your area so be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for other voters’ guides.

Minnesota State House District 50B

State Representatives serve in the Minnesota House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the state legislature. They write and vote on legislation to create, repeal, or change state laws affecting many issues, like health care, the environment, and the economy. They also vote on state taxes and the state spending. A candidate forum for this race is available at https://youtu.be/jg2MicMLY0A?si=j1UViJ7UfPbLEuYo. More MN forums are available at https://www.lwvmn.org/2024-candidate-forums.

Click a candidate icon to find more information about the candidate. To compare two candidates, click the "compare" button. To start over, click a candidate icon.

  • Candidate picture

    Steve Elkins

  • Candidate picture

    Bob Gust

Biographical Information

Why are you running?

What are the top three issues facing the Legislature?

State how you intend to address one of these three issues if elected.

Campaign Website http://elkinsforhouse.com
Contact Phone 6125782103
Campaign Twitter Handle @elkinsforhouse
Campaign Email steve@elkinsforhouse.com
I have been working to reduce the cost (and improve the availability) of both health care and housing (including the cost of homeowner's insurance) and want to see this work come to fruition. I also want to continue my work to improve the effectiveness of government, especially its investments in information technology. Finally, I want to continue my work to slow climate change by reducing greenhouse greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, the single largest source of greenhouse gases in Minnesota.
Protecting our tradition of Free and Fair elections. Preserving Reproductive Freedom. Reducing Gun Violence.
I will co-sponsor legislation to require safe gun storage and prohibit the sale and public possession of assault weapons.
Campaign Website http://www.bobgust.com
Contact Phone 612-324-6767
Campaign Twitter Handle @votebobgust
Campaign Email bob@bobgust.com
I do not believe the current legislature has the same priorities as their voters. The $17 billion surplus should have been a signal to lower our tax burden, but they saw it as an opportunity to increase spending -- and still raised taxes! Given the high inflation caused by their demonization of traditional energy, lower taxes would be a welcome relief.

If the Democrats had good ideas or knew how to govern, they wouldn't have to resort to things like driver's licenses for non-citizens and voting rights for felons in an effort to manufacture votes.

The citizens of my district deserve someone who fights for their interests and not for the interests being dictated by party elites.
High taxes and cost of living Public Safety Rejecting the woke agenda
We lose revenue every time a successful person changes their residency to avoid our high taxes. Many would probably stay and pay income taxes if they felt the tax system was fair. Specifically, we need to eliminate all taxes on social security and join virtually every other state in eliminating the estate tax. That is just a first start on lowering taxes, but it should be easy to pass because the net result will probably be an increase in overall tax revenue.

The League of Women Voters of Minnesota and North Dakota crafted the questions sent to the candidates in the Spring of 2024. They reached out to candidates based on contact information in their public candidate filings. Candidates with email addresses were invited and reminded with emails. Candidates with only mailing addresses were sent a letter. Candidates with phone numbers received a phone call as well.

Candidate responses are published as they responded and have not been edited, except when responses were longer than the given character limit. In those cases, the responses are truncated.

VOTE411 is brought to you by the League of Women Voters Education Fund and League of Women Voters of Minnesota Education Fund. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office.