Red Wing City Council Member Wards 3 & 4
As local legislators who sometimes have executive power, council members can propose ordinances, set administrative policy, and authorize the budget proposed by the mayor. They oversee all city activities, including city services, programs, licensing, and public safety. Mayoral appointments to city government typically require council approval.Voting in local elections is important - learn more here: Why Vote for City CouncilA candidate forum for this race is available at More MN forums are available at
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Beth Thomas Snyder
Ben Weldon
Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)
If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)
How do you plan to engage with and represent all members of our diverse community?(500 characters)
What steps will you take to ensure transparency and accountability in city government? (500 characters)
I have lived in Red Wing for over 30 years having married and raised my family here & have spent the majority of my professional career at Fairview Red Wing Medical Center. I have comprehensive management experience & have been responsible for creating and managing multi-million-dollar budgets. I have extensive previous & current board experience & am currently on the boards and executive committees of Red Wing YMCA and Minnesota Community Measurement. I have expertise at bringing disparate groups together to create a common vision & shared outcome. I am known for being direct, concise, & delivering a broad view to problem solving & discussions. In summary, I have the experience, integrity, optimism and am ready to serve.
One of my priorities would be to work on opportunities to lower the tax burden for our citizens & local businesses by looking for efficiencies within the city & expanding the tax base. Growth is also vital to our city. I would work to identify and remove barriers to growth both for businesses & home development. The third priority which is consistent with the strategic plan is to ensure that the city has a strong workforce as they are essential to the safety, beauty, & vitality of Red Wing
Currently I am walking throughout Wards 3 & 4 introducing myself & listening to residents' concerns. After the election, I plan to keep my webpage active & will provide updates looking for feedback as well as through my email. Red Wing also has a wealth of festivals & city-wide events which I attend and create a great space to engage with the citizens of Red Wing. I also hope to have listening sessions for those residents who are less mobile. Finally, I am always available by phone.
A large amount of the work the City Council does is available online both digitally & via streaming services. This creates an expectation of transparency for the members. In the committee and Council meetings, I will diligently work to ensure the strategic plan is being followed and delivered. I will strive in all my interactions at streamed meeting as well all other meetings with elected officials, employees, & citizens to actively listen, seek for broad understanding, & act with integrity.
I believe I will bring a fresh mindset to public service in our community. My desire is to work with all of my fellow Red Wing residents to continue (or improve upon) all that makes our city wonderful. I want to honor the legacy of Red Wing while also ensuring pride in our shared future endeavors.
Housing affordability: we are all impacted by the housing crisis, either personally or through our loved ones. I will work with my fellow city council members to find ways to ensure we all have dignified and affordable homes.
Economic Growth: I would like to assist in the diversification of our tax base. This helps to reinforce Red Wing as an economic hub of the area, as well as alleviate the tax burden for all.
Sustainability: protecting our environment in Red Wing should be a shared priority
Being a member of the diverse community of Red Wing is something I take great pride in. We can only have a Red Wing for All if ALL residents are represented fairly and with dignity. I will do so by always approaching community members with an open mind, open arms, and enthusiasm to address their concerns with the respect they deserve.
If I make a mistake, I will work to rectify it. If I need help in order to do so, I will admit that openly. I will value the input of our community members. I will also ask the same of my fellow council members.
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