I am a passionate advocate for public education with a background working in and with state departments of education. I have experience as an educator and I am a parent of children in the school district. My background includes research in the history of education, childhood, and parenting. I advocate strongly for research-backed curriculum and classroom engagement. I want our community to continue to be built on competent, capable graduates of our local school district.
Balance Academics and Play: Expand literacy program and introduce universal dyslexia screening. Advocate for less technology and more playtime to reduce anxiety and improve academic performance.
Support Teachers and School Choice: Increase new teacher salaries and expand staff support to reduce burnout. Allow choice between Tartan and North High Schools.
Foster Strong Community: Promote student independence and civic involvement to strengthen ties to community and make ISD 622 a hub for growth.
Create school-level budget committees so spending reductions reflect the classroom- and school-level priorities.
Publish transparent budget information so parents, employees, and community members understand the districts' fiscal responsibilities and priorities.
Identify and engage with programs with low student engagement but high expenditures to ensure equitable and balanced spending on students' experiences and needs.
Advocate to elected officials to expand public education spending.
I would use data and student/teacher/family testimonials to support equal access to funding, technology, and materials; targeted support for at-risk students; communication pathways for teachers to identify issues or suggest solutions; and community-building activities across race, gender, culture, religion, and LGBTQI+ identities.
I will participate in my children's school PTA organization. I will connect with local news and media outlets to communicate school board priorities and ensure community questions and concerns are answered and addressed. I will be attentive to the attendees at school board meetings and engage all ISD 622 constituents.
My past jobs include Minnesota Senate staff member, Century College administrator and Pioneer Press education reporter. These experiences gave me the communication skills and the knowledge base to be an effective school board member.
My top three priorities are improving student achievement, ensuring school safety and supporting students, staff and teachers. Public education is the gateway to opportunity for everyone in this country. I can't think of anything more important than doing all I can to support public education.
My strategy would be making sure that we do all we can to protect the classroom experience.
As a school board member, it is important to cultivate a culture of questioning. For every action, school board members must ask questions to make sure that students are given every opportunity to succeed. If students are falling behind, are they being given the help they need? If students are gifted and talented, are they being given more rigorous opportunities?
My background is in communication. I will do all I can to respond to teachers and families as respectfully as possible in whatever format they are most comfortable.
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Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
I am a long-time resident of the district (30 years), have had 3 children that graduated from the district, and want to give back to the community. I also have a PhD in Education and teach Educational Psychology (for aspiring teachers) at a local University.
I just completed my first term on the board and have learned a lot (especially during the pandemic). We faced many challenges including having to close schools, massive teacher and student absentees, shortage of substitute teachers, etc. All these led to the learning loss and the persisting teacher shortages. I am the best candidate because I understand why we are where we are and what we need to do to move forward.
1. Academic Achievement (including closing the opportunity gap and learning loss during the pandemic)
2. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) advocate for ALL students, teachers and staff regardless of what they identify as.
3. School Safety so that parents can rest assured that their children are safe when they enter our buildings.
4. Increase the teacher pipeline to solve teacher shortage issue that is not only in our district but state wide.
Unfortunately, declining enrollment and revenues leaves an unbalanced budget. My focus these last couple of years have been on preventative methods. My preventative strategy (for budget) has been to participate in the annual MSBA Delegate Assembly where School Board members from all over the state send representative members to go voice their issues at legislature. I have represented my district at those meetings to advocate for more funding for the schools at the legislative level.
This has been my mission for serving on the board.
1. As a DEI advocate for students, teachers and staff, I will continue asking about data and reasons why there are disparities.
2. My goal is to continue to work on closing the opportunity gaps caused by social economic disadvantages (between the haves and have-nots) and amongst racial and ethnic differences in academic achievement.
Teachers, staff & families have a major role to play in the district's decision making process. Here is what I will do:
1. I will make myself available/approachable to all teachers and families so that they can feel free to talk to me about any issues.
2. I will make sure that all major decisions have input from all stakeholders. This could include sending out surveys, conducting focus groups, community forums, etc.
3. I will work with unions representatives to hear their voices.
I sincerely want all students to delight in learning and to joyfully be their full, authentic selves every day. As a member of other community boards, I know how to work together, listen to each other, and achieve common goals. Stewarding the budget for the district is an amazing opportunity for me to bring my engineering and spreadsheet-loving skills to ensure fiscal responsibility while finding ways to meet students’ needs. I’m invested in the community: I’ve been a North St. Paul resident for 12 years, I have a child in the district, and I’m on the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee. I’ll show up and do the work it takes to be a productive contributing board member to this amazing community.
1. Closing the achievement gap: supporting students and families. Working to alleviate burdens and drive success.
2. Safety and security: physical safety as well as emotional safety so students can learn free from bullying, harassment, and judgment; holistic security so students know that the teachers and staff care about their wellbeing and their whole selves.
3. Preparing all students for a thriving post-secondary life: Providing the opportunity to gain skills, knowledge, and confidence.
Prioritize the needs of the students, teachers, and staff. Look for grants and other opportunities to bring in revenue to avoid cutting critical programs or staff. Listen to staff and student input and try to be creative to preserve opportunities for the students. Focus on equity and try to make sure that any impacts of declining revenues are minimized.
I’m committed to addressing disparities and closing achievement gaps. I’ll engage with the research, implement solutions, and provide the needed resources. I support early education programs. I’ll pay attention to more than just test scores: to the data and metrics showing improvements or that we need to revisit some interventions to improve efficacy. I’ll work to make sure teachers have what they need, because when teachers are successful, kids are successful.
I benefit from being a parent in the district and will capitalize on the opportunity to discuss issues with teachers and families, neighbors and friends. I understand my perspective and background is different from anyone else’s, so I will be an active listener and seek to understand other perspectives and opinions. When it comes to making decisions, I’ll integrate what I learn from others with my own experience and advocate passionately in the interest of all the students in the district.
During my time on the school board, I maintained my commitment to serving other people through collaboration with my fellow directors and with the superintendent and administration. I have been involved in decisions that reflected the best interest of all the students and members of our community. I know what it takes to run a large organization that serves such diverse needs and populations. I have extensive experience in conflict management, workforce planning, budgeting, and strategic planning – I am a relationship builder and a listener - and I am a parent of 622 children.
My priorities are: school safety, building relationships, and academic achievement. These priorities are all key to building a stronger community and address many of the issues we see such as chronic absenteeism, academic performance, the mental health crisis for our young folks, violence in our schools, and staffing shortages.
I would lean on the expertise of the superintendent and their teams, while ensuring that the strategic plan (and the many staff/teachers, buildings, curriculum, etc.) has sufficient resources and support. Budget shortfalls are never easy, but a shared vision and continual strong financial strategies allows for minimal budget cuts.
W. Edward Deming said that "a bad system will beat a good person every time." The first step to addressing inequities is understanding that disparities and systemic inequities exists. Using data, we can make efforts to identify gaps in our system and provide resources and supports to those that need it. Access to opportunities is key to addressing disparities in our education system.
Continual engagement in district and community events provides presence and opportunities to connect with staff, teachers, and families. Additionally, outside of these events, I make myself available for questions and comments via email and phone. Taking into consideration their experiences and expertise, plus other factors such as my own research, financials, any security concerns, long-term vision, and confidential information, will help me make an informed decision.