Fiscal responsibility. Road maintenance. Economic development.
Vice president of the Greater Augusta Chamber of Commerce.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Highest Post-secondary education
M.A.Ed., Washington University, science education
Public elected offices held
Trustee, Augusta, 2012-2014
1) Support town businesses and the residents. 2) Promote the best qualities of Augusta. 3) Work on improving roads, zoning and police protection.
I love living in Augusta with its quaint, hometown atmosphere. My desire is to provide the best living conditions for the residents and success for the business community. My goal is to support the implementation of improvements, investigating proposed expenditures and streamlining paperwork. My one term was cut short by a family emergency. My motto: "In God we trust."
Highest Post-secondary education
B.A., Webster University, English
Public elected offices held
Trustee, Augusta, 1990-present
1) Accurate financial reports for other trustees and citizens. 2) Reports on projects for citizen understanding. 3) Accurate income and expense entry in computer.
Worked 15 years in accounting.