St. Charles School Board
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Daniel Hewitt
Tammy McGrellis
What are your top three priorities for the district?
Share any experience in education or within the district?
Highest Post-secondary education
MBA, Lindenwood University
Public elected offices held
St. Charles School Board, 2022-present
Focusing on completion of our upcoming Compehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). Improvement in SCSD's Annual Performance Review (APR) scoring. Continued focus on increased graduation rate trend.
As a former SCSD graduate and current parent of SCSD students, I am incredibly passionate about our schools and all of our students, parents and educators. It is this passion that has brought me to seeking my second term on the board and to continue being part of such a thriving school district.
Highest Post-secondary education
Ed.S., Lindenwood University, school administration/special education administration
My top three priorities are to support educators, ensure equity for special education and promote school safety/security.
Special education teacher for 27 years; active with the National Education Association for the same amount of time (current local president); focused on working and learning conditions for our staff/students in public schools. I have a child in the St Charles School District and am invested in ensuring our kids thrive in the public school system.
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