Weldon Spring Alderman, Ward 3
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Gerry Baker
Margaret Culver
What are your top three priorities?
Why are you qualified to serve in this office?
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Highest Post-secondary education
M.S., Texas A&M University, recreation and resources management; MSW, Washington University
Public elected offices held
Alderwoman, Ward 2, Weldon Spring, 1986-1991, 1995-1997; mayor, Weldon Spring, 1991-1993
Represent the residents of Ward 3 by attending meetings and seeking transparency. Prioritize the needs of the residents over the financial needs of outside interests. Represent what the residents want regarding the future developments within the city's boundaries so we can continue to keep Weldon Spring the beautiful city it has come known to be.
I filed to run for election as a call to service. I’ve been part of Weldon Spring since the 1980s, contributing to its growth from 500 to over 5,000 residents. I’ve helped with its incorporation, served four terms in office and volunteered for the city. I believe voters should have a choice in who represents their interests for Weldon Spring’s future. I love this city.
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