Bridgeton City Council, Ward 2

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  • Candidate picture

    Kathy Ioannou

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 60
Highest Post-secondary education B.A., Webster University, communications-public relations
Public elected offices held City council, Bridgeton, Ward 2, 2024-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Serve as a strategic partner in moving Bridgeton forward. 2) Serve as an advocate and voice for residents and the betterment of the community. 3) Rebuild connectedness among residents, a fellowship with one another in the community. Bridgeton is not just a great place to live but a place to build lasting friendships and care and concern for one another collectively.
I've been a resident in good standing in Bridgeton for over 30 years. I have actively served the community during that time: volunteering with the Bridgeton Optimist Club and also serving on various boards and commissions for the city via mayoral appointment, e.g., planning and zoning commission (twice), board of adjustment and personnel commission.