Chesterfield City Council, Ward 1

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  • Candidate picture

    Barbara McGuinness

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 77
Highest Post-secondary education Some college
Public elected offices held City council, Chesterfield, Ward 1, 2016-present
Incumbent? Yes
Continue to put neighborhoods first; protect Olive/Clarkson from becoming another Manchester Road; support our police and make certain they have the tools to keep us safe; strongly oppose any St. Louis city-county merger; continue to strongly oppose wasteful frivolous government spending; continuously support paying down the city's long-term debt with no new taxes.
A founder of Chesterfield as chair of the campaign to incorporate our great city; previous chair of Planning Commission that guided our initial growth and development; successful Ward 1 member of City Council, where I work hard at keeping government small and our city beautiful, and oppose any and all tax increases.