Ferguson City Council, Ward 2

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  • Candidate picture

    Jamil Franklin

  • Candidate picture

    Larry Robinett

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 45
Highest Post-secondary education MPA, Jacksonville State University, environmental science
Public safety, accessibility and public outreach.
Nearly 20 years of public service working at the state, city and county levels of government has prepared me for the challenge. I also excel at working with others and bringing folks together to achieve common goals.
Age 63
Highest Post-secondary education B.S., University of Missouri- St. Louis, information systems
My top priorities are 1) Public safety: the need for public safety is paramount. Shootings, dangerous drivers and theft crimes create unsafe situations and deserve top priority. 2) Accountability: the need for accountability at all levels is critical. 3) Improving infrastructure: we need a strong focus on streets, housing stock and attracting business to Ferguson.
I have over 35 years of experience serving in the communities I have lived in, 20-plus here in Ferguson. I have managed very large operational budgets and I am qualified in skills required for council office. My experience and service records stand on their own. You can read more details about them on my Facebook page.