Manchester Alderman, Ward 3

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  • Candidate picture

    Richard Baumann

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 50
Highest Post-secondary education MBA, Webster University
Public elected offices held Alderman, Manchester, Ward 3, 2015-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Find fiscally responsible ways to increase resources and activities for Manchester residents. 2) Continue to actively address concerns of Manchester residents. 3) Bring new economic development ideas and resources to Manchester.
I’ve lived in Manchester for the past 19 years where I have served on the Board of Aldermen, board of adjustment, audit and finance committee, and planning and zoning commission. I’ve earned two chancellor's certificates, one in planning and zoning and the other in economic development. Using these two certificates, I plan on helping the city update its master plan.