Normandy City Council, Ward 3

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  • Candidate picture

    Julia Boure

  • Candidate picture

    Terry Gannon

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 55
My top three priorities are 1) restoring trust in City Hall, 2) fiscal responsibility and 3) creating a safer community.
1) I am qualified to serve in this office because I have developed innovative approaches to challenge the status quo. 2) I currently serve on two nonprofit boards and on a coalition which challenges systemic problems in our nation's schools. 3) I am a strong advocate for children, the elderly and disabled people.
Age 73
Highest Post-secondary education Some college
Public elected offices held City council, Normandy, Ward 3, 2003-2007, 2013-2017
I support transparency and disclosure of city finances, spending practices and annual audits. I also support pursuing new funding streams through grants, economic development and contractual arrangements for services, policing and courts with partner cities. I support the practice of keeping citizens informed by publicizing meetings, agendas, minutes and financial reports.
I have been a council member in the past. I have served on the following commissions: historic preservation, board of adjustment, planning and zoning, Citizens for the Advancement of Normandy, Normandy TIF Commission and Great Streets project. I have been a realtor for 43 years working for fair housing, economic development and building generational wealth for families.