Pacific Marshal (Unexpired Term, 1 Year) {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

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  • Candidate picture

    Tracy Dean Huntington

  • Candidate picture

    James H. Klingler

  • Candidate picture

    Andrew (Drew) Whitman

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 60
Highest Post-secondary education Some college
My top four priorities are crime prevention and enforcement in the community, youth and senior safety awareness programs, strengthening relations with local business and revitalizing the police department. I want the community's residents to feel safe in their homes and their town. Communication and education will be paramount to achieving progress and meeting goals.
I am qualified to serve in the position of Pacific marshal because of my experience, my knowledge and my skills. I am loyal, honest and trustworthy. My years as a law enforcement officer, K-9 officer and school resource officer allow me to educate, manage and enforce the law. My personal life experiences and prior work experiences expand my skills and abilities.
Age 59
Highest Post-secondary education A.A., Columbia College, criminal justice
Hiring and retention of qualified dedicated officers; increasing security in the schools; traffic issues, particularly with large trucks.
I have over 38 years of experience in law enforcement, I have a wide variety of specialized training and skills, and I am a proven leader within the department.
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