Highest Post-secondary education
M.S., Washington University, finance
Enrollment in WGSD has declined by nearly 10% over the past five years. Racial achievement gaps are widening, not narrowing. The district lags peers in several areas and the district's operating budget, previously in surplus, now faces a structural funding deficit. I want to acknowledge success, but also challenges, seeking discussion and open communication.
I have served as treasurer/president of the Webster Groves Public Library for seven years and have served since 2018 as a board of education-appointed member of the Webster Groves School District finance advisory committee, formerly as chairman and currently as vice-chairman. I have run for a seat on the WGSD board of education in three of the past four election cycles.
Highest Post-secondary education
J.D., Washington University
1) Ensure the district has a plan to be financially sustainable now and in the future, as this will allow my next two priorities to come to fruition. 2) Provide an excellent education for all students. 3) Be a great place to work for educators and other staff because experienced, happy teachers create the best learning environments.
My two children have attended district schools since preschool and I have been an active volunteer at their schools. I served as the equity officer for the Bristol Elementary PTO and in that role learned more about how decisions are made at the school level. I have also toured other district schools and have met all of the senior administrators to learn as much as I can.
Highest Post-secondary education
B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia, communications
Public elected offices held
Webster Groves School Board, 2020-present
We must focus on the retention and recruitment of quality teachers. We need to improve our communication with families and the community to provide them with ongoing happenings in our schools. I believe we must focus on creating a learning environment that respects and acknowledges the unique experiences of each student, while working to eliminate barriers to success.
I am a parent of two kids, one in elementary school and one at Hixson. I have been on the school board for four years. Previously, I served as chair of the district’s finance advisory committee, as a member of the district’s legislative advocacy committee and as a PTO president. I have the experience to be your voice on our school board and work on behalf of all our kids.