St. Louis Community College Board, Subdistrict 3
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David Addison
Holly Talir
What are your top three priorities?
Why are you qualified to serve in this office?
Highest Post-secondary education
MBA, Washington University
Public elected offices held
Webster Groves School Board, 2011-2023
Expand access to SLCC programs, ensure that barriers such as child care or transportation do not restrict access. Ensure that construction projects come in on time and under budget and support the expansion of programs as funding allows. Leverage my leadership experience in the search to replace retiring Chancellor Jeff Pittman to ensure SLCC continues to thrive.
I served 12 years on the Webster Groves School Board, 3 as president and 3 as VP. I led the board during COVID, brought construction projects in on time and under budget and led a superintendent search, all challenges facing SLCC. My experience is unique. I am a passionate advocate for public education. SLCC provides vital access to affordable college and must thrive.
Highest Post-secondary education
Graduate-level advanced certificate, Washington University, nonprofit management
Expand outreach to high school students, increasing dual enrollment in high-demand fields like EMT and nursing to jump-start careers and reduce college costs. Strengthen partnerships with businesses, unions and industries to provide students with internships and apprenticeships. Expand wraparound services such as child care and food pantries to students in need.
I am uniquely qualified to serve in this position as the daughter, granddaughter and niece of union members and a first-generation college graduate (B.A. from Mizzou) who understands the challenges working families face. With 20-plus years' experience working in education and as the parent of a current STLCC student I know firsthand the impact of strong community colleges.
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