Highest Post-secondary education
B.A., Mississippi State University, communication/public relations
My top priorities: tuition - costs/fees must be kept in check for hard-working families; educational quality - investment in academic technology and facilities is needed amid competition from institutions that have added new programs and expanded facilities; employee stability - to retain the most experienced faculty/staff, compensation and morale must remain high.
The college is truly part of my DNA. My entire 33-year professional career was devoted to upholding its mission and I have a proven, distinctive combination of knowledge/history, dedication, character and experience to contribute as a trustee. I possess a thorough understanding of higher ed operations while being deeply aware of the college’s challenges and opportunities.
Highest Post-secondary education
A.A., Jefferson College, architectural drafting
Public elected offices held
County council, Jefferson County, 2011-2017; county assessor, Jefferson County, 2017-present
The biggest challenge facing Jefferson College is how to provide the same cost and level of education to our high school graduates and adults transitioning to their new careers, while managing those skyrocketing expenses. I will work to ensure that tuition costs remain affordable for all residents of Jefferson County.
I have served on boards for various organizations, including the first Jefferson County Council, for the past 15 years. I have also been involved and responsible for personnel and budgetary decisions during my time serving in Jefferson County government. I believe this experience helps fill a void created by the retirement of incumbent board members.
Highest Post-secondary education
M.A., Webster University, education
Public elected offices held
Jefferson College Board, 2001-present; Fox School Board, 2020-2023
My top priorities are 1) Advocate for keeping tuition and fees low while maintaining a high-quality education. 2) Ensure programs align with current job market needs in health care, IT, skilled trades and emerging industries. 3) Promote transparency and accountability in budgeting and spending.
I have served as an elected board member for the Jefferson College Board of Trustees for 24 years. During my tenure on the board, I have performed the duties of board president and vice president and participated in the board’s policy revision committee, budget committee and negotiations team.
Highest Post-secondary education
M.S., Lindenwood University, criminal justice
Increase state core funding. Maintain current student fee structure. Increase training programs for the trades, i.e. nursing, welding, carpentry, firefighting, law enforcement, carpentry. Implement internship programs for all the trades we offer to have currently-trained students who are available for immediate employment in those prospective trades.
I was the chief of police in Festus for 25 years and I have participated in numerous budgetary meetings in both lean and healthy budget years. I have experience in collective bargaining agreement negotiations, personnel issues and disciplinary issues. I have taken part in long-range planning programs as well as being on several regional boards of directors.