Highest Post-secondary education
A.A., Jefferson College, education
1) Promoting fairness to the citizens (not using eminent domain inappropriately). 2) Making sure taxes are fair and properly used and making sure citizens aren't being overtaxed. 3) Safety and security of the city to help build and promote progress for the city.
I really like politics. I like knowing how things work in this world of politics and doing good for the city and its citizens. I intend to let the people get to know me and gain their trust to be elected to this position.
Highest Post-secondary education
Some college
Public elected offices held
City council, Arnold, Ward 1, 2011-2013
Transparency: the voting public has to know what is going on. Put meeting videos back online and publish verbatim transcripts of them. Property rights: the city should not be conspiring in secret to acquire residential property for commercial use or trying to run some residents out of town. Lowering taxes: there are a few areas in which this can be accomplished.
I have served on the City Council and am aware of the city's inner workings and how they may be improved to provide more services to the citizens instead of improving the bottom line of developers at taxpayers' expense. I refuse to accept or condone corrupt actions - past, present or future. I am accessible and accountable to the citizens as I have been in the past.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
My priorities are: 1) Enhancing transparency and communication by reforming Arnold’s secretive and counterproductive approach to taxing districts. 2) Improving city services and strengthening law enforcement, upgrading infrastructure and ensuring better services for families. 3) Boosting economic development by attracting new businesses while supporting existing ones.
I worked in my family’s manufacturing business, learning operations from the assembly line to overseeing inventory, financials and meetings with vendors, accountants and lawyers. After selling the business, we pivoted to real estate, where I led acquisitions and property management. My experience in business management and financial oversight prepares me to lead Arnold.
Highest Post-secondary education
MBA, University of Phoenix; M.S., University of Central Missouri, aviation safety
Public elected offices held
City council, Arnold, 2007-2013; 2023-present
1) Finish the first subdivision without streetlights via a pilot program that has stagnated under the current administration. 2) Use our tourism tax dollars to help out youth sports programs: wrestling, cheerleading, ball clubs; attract tournaments and leagues. Lang Park: we assured residents that the pool would be replaced with a splash park. Let's get it done.
Two years on planning and zoning commission, four terms as Ward 2 councilman. I proposed four-plus goals each term to achieve. I succeeded. My track record with residents is strong. My education, management and local government experience are success assets. Honesty, transparency and accountability are what we need in Arnold. I will not keep anyone in the dark on projects.