Pacific Alderman, Ward 3

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  • Candidate picture

    Bob Fletcher

  • Candidate picture

    Debbie Kelley

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 75
Highest Post-secondary education B.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis, political science
1) Provide sewer lateral service insurance. 2) Stop putting gravel on the roads for snow. 3) Look into placing utilities (electric) underground on Osage.
1) Proven ability to manage up to 120 associates. 2) Constitutional expert on rights of the people. 3) Lived in the community for over 20 years.
Age 66
Public elected offices held Alderman, Pacific, Ward 3, 2022-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Good steward of taxpayers' dollars. 2) Listen to and represent citizens. 3) Be involved and supportive of our community.
Lived here in Pacific all my life. Have children and grandchildren in our hometown. I am a caring and supportive person. I believe everyone has a voice and vote.