Sullivan Alderman, Ward 3

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    Matt Wiegers

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 51
Highest Post-secondary education M.S., Missouri State University, counseling
Public elected offices held Alderman, Sullivan, Ward 3, 2022-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) I intend to advance the interests of the citizens who elect me. 2) I will work to oversee the appropriate use of local government. 3) I look forward to maintaining a positive culture for businesses to grow within our community.
As a long-time educator, I have always worked towards individual improvement for my students within the community. Local government can help continue these individual gains into a broader landscape to more positively influence our community as a whole. It is for these reasons I seek to make a deeper impact for the citizens of Sullivan.