Highest Post-secondary education
A.S., Colorado Technical University, medical billing and coding
Public elected offices held
Alderman, Cottleville, Ward 1, 2023-present
My number one priority is always to act with integrity, even though doing what is right is not always the most popular decision. Family is always a top priority of mine. My family, your family and the family that we make as a community. Lastly, the city itself takes priority: understanding growth yet preserving the place we are proud to call home for generations to come.
The actual qualification requirements are startlingly simple and there are a lot of people who meet those bare minimums. What makes me the best candidate? I have a deep commitment to my community and the bravery to stand up and get the job done. That job includes protecting residents and green spaces, as well as responsibly planning how we will take shape for the future.
Highest Post-secondary education
BSM, Purdue University, mathematics
Public elected offices held
Alderwoman, Cottleville, Ward 1, 2005-2007
I want to prioritize our citizens over developers. The city has been serving developers without ensuring they're responsible for infrastructure and community enhancements. Ensure proper use of our tax revenue and maintain or reduce tax rates. Assist in the creation of an event coordinator and committee that works with businesses to ensure that events are safe and clean.
I have been the Ward 1 alderwoman, which taught me how government can work. I grew up in a small town, learning small-town values and common sense. I've worked at many jobs throughout my life, have owned successful businesses and have a strong work ethic. I have extensive experience in management and customer service.