Weldon Spring Alderman, Ward 1

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    Tom Yeager

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 59
Highest Post-secondary education MBA, Lindenwood University
Public elected offices held Alderman, Weldon Spring, Ward 1, 2020-present
Incumbent? Yes
I will continue to work to keep the city of Weldon Spring a premier community that is a safe place to live and enjoy life. This can be accomplished by managing growth, full transparency and fiscal responsibility.
I have been an alderman for Weldon Spring for five years and am currently the board president. I participate in the Cottleville/Weldon Spring Chamber of Commerce and the St. Charles County Municipal League. I am a retired small business owner, local volunteer, married for 33 years and a proud father of four adult children who grew up in Weldon Spring.