Wentzville Alderman, Ward 2

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  • Candidate picture

    Robert (Rob) Hussey

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 47
Campaign website http://electhussey.com
Highest Post-secondary education M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis, public policy
Public elected offices held Alderman, Wentzville, Ward 2, 2014-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Improve infrastructure and roadway safety: neighborhood street slab replacements doubled while I was on the board. We need to improve the Interstate 70 S-turn, N. Point Prairie, Peine to name a few. 2) Continue to lower the city property tax rate. The city's rate was lowered by 19% when I was on the board, all while improving services. 3) Smart economic development.
Experience (visit my website to learn more). I have worked as a city manager in the past. I have also worked in real estate for the last decade and own a real estate brokerage. I know what it means to protect your property values. I have a master's degree in public policy and have built relationships with our county and state officials to assist us with our infrastructure.