Wentzville Alderman, Ward 3
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Michael K. Lovell
What are your top three priorities?
Why are you qualified to serve in this office?
Highest Post-secondary education
A.A.S., St. Charles Community College, general studies
Public elected offices held
Alderman, Wentzville, Ward 3, 2021-present
My top three priorities continue to be 1) improving our city (parks, infrastructure, safety), 2) informed decision making (research and vote "no" when needed) and 3) putting our hometown first (preserve, attract and promote).
I feel I'm qualified for alderman as I've served on various boards and commissions within our town, I've been alderman for the last four years, I'm currently our board president and I take pride in being a community leader. I'm passionate about our community and consider myself a public servant, not a politician. You can continue to come to me with your concerns.
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