Ballwin Mayor

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  • Candidate picture

    Mark R. Stallmann

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 66
Highest Post-secondary education B.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis, political science
Public elected offices held City council, Maplewood, Ward 3, 1980-1993; alderman, Ballwin, Ward 2, 2015-present
1) Ensure that Ballwin remains one of the safest communities in our region by providing our courageous police officers with the support and up-to-date equipment they need. 2) Ensure that Ballwin remains one of the lowest-taxed cities in St. Louis County with no property taxes. 3) Continued investment in our neighborhoods, streets, sidewalks and parks.
As an elected official and a civic and business leader, I can continue to provide the citizens of Ballwin with the experienced and effective leadership they should expect from their city government.