Bellerive Acres Alderman-at-Large {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

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  • Candidate picture

    Derek Graham

  • Candidate picture

    Mike Jones

  • Candidate picture

    Tom Kiely

  • Candidate picture

    Linda Paunicka

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 38
Highest Post-secondary education Certificate, Broadcast Center of St. Louis, broadcast journalism
1) The safety of our residents. I plan to work with community leaders and familiarize myself with local organizations and safety measures. 2) Infrastructure development and civil projects that address current and future needs. Transparent communication about these projects is essential. 3) I am passionate about protecting Bellerive Acres’ heritage and historic homes.
I have been a Bellerive Acres homeowner since 2024 and take pride in being active in my community. I believe strong local government is key to any neighborhood’s success. I want to protect my children’s safety and the investment we have made in our home. With my background in management, I am an effective communicator and am comfortable with strategic planning on a team.
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Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Age 64
Highest Post-secondary education B.S., Washington University, systems science and mathematics
Public elected offices held Alderperson, Bellerive Acres, 2023-present
Incumbent? yes
1) To solicit and respect the opinions of all neighbors concerning pressing city issues in a fair, orderly and compassionate fashion. 2) To champion opportunities for cooperative activities and social interaction among neighbors. 3) To seek progress in the city efficiently, while cooperating with other entities when it makes sense.
I'm a 32-year resident of Bellerive Acres and a 41-year resident of the Normandy area. I have a record of regularly attending and participating in city council meetings even before I was on the board and serving on numerous committees. My B.S. in systems engineering and 10 years of corporate working experience give me good insight into what it takes to get things done.