Chesterfield City Council, Ward 2
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Andy Smith
Patricia Tocco
What are your top three priorities?
Why are you qualified to serve in this office?
Highest Post-secondary education
J.D., University of Missouri
1) Slow down the commercial development in Chesterfield. 2) Make Chesterfield government more responsive to its citizens, not its developers. 3) Halt the decline of our way of life in this community.
I am trained in law and accounting and have been a 25-year resident of Chesterfield and nearby Town and Country. I have also owned property in Chesterfield for 25 years.
Highest Post-secondary education
B.S., University of Missouri-St. Louis, accounting
The council must be good stewards of taxpayer monies employing discipline and transparency in all spending decisions. The council’s priority should be to serve the needs of the community while keeping taxes low and maintaining the city’s solid financial position. It must consider the interests of residents, school districts and other taxing districts as well as developers.
My career began as a certified public accountant for 15 years, then as a corporate senior officer in financial services for 24 years. It concluded with owning a small business and doing consulting. My expertise in accounting and finance and my high level of integrity will be invaluable in all decisions I make. Voters can be confident I will represent them on City Council.
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