Chesterfield City Council, Ward 4

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  • Candidate picture

    Gary Budoor

  • Candidate picture

    Michelle Ohley

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 54
Campaign website
Highest Post-secondary education Master in Computer Applications, Osmania University
Public elected offices held City council, Chesterfield, Ward 4, 2021-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Invest in law enforcement resources and enhance crime prevention. 2) Maintain a balanced budget, protect Chesterfield’s Moody’s triple-A rating and support responsible development. 3) Expand parks, trails and youth sports facilities to promote active, healthy lifestyles and improve community well-being.
A positive track record as a council member, engaging residents in decision-making and enhancing public safety by funding to upgrade police resources. On the finance committee, I ensured fiscal responsibility, including a balanced budget with a 40% reserve and maintained Moody’s AAA rating. While I was city parks chair, parks, trails and youth sports programs flourished.
Age 59
Highest Post-secondary education Chancellor's certificate, University of Missouri-St. Louis, planning
Public elected offices held City council, Chesterfield, Ward 4, 2017-2021
The top priority of our leaders should always be public safety. Supporting our police, who represent the largest municipal force in our county, is my top pledge followed by guarding your tax dollars for only the purpose of city government like public works and parks. Finally, transparency is critical to avoid issues we currently see such as curb barriers on Clarkson Road.
The residents first elected me in 2017 and again in 2019 to the council, where I honored my pledge to support our police, cut wasteful spending and taxes, and make Chesterfield City Hall more transparent. It included appointments to chair the planning and public works and parks committees while developing a solid relationship with our state, local and business leadership.