Crestwood Alderman, Ward 3
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Greg Hall
What are your top three priorities?
Why are you qualified to serve in this office?
Highest Post-secondary education
B.A., Harding University, mathematics
Public elected offices held
Alderman, Crestwood, Ward 3, 2018-present
The most important local issue for Crestwood is economic development of Watson Road. I am in favor of continuing to maintain high-quality city services and delivering them efficiently with balanced budgets. I want to keep Crestwood as a desirable place to live by maintaining streets, enforcing codes, expanding sidewalks and continuing to reinvest in city parks.
My experience in serving our community in leadership positions at my church, school board and the last six years as alderman. A career in finance, information technology and municipal government administration has provided me with the experience to be the most qualified candidate to serve as Crestwood Ward 3 alderman.
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