Fenton Mayor

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  • Candidate picture

    Joe Maurath

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 69
Highest Post-secondary education Some college
Public elected offices held Alderman, Fenton, 1985-1993, 2001-2002; mayor, Fenton, 1993-1995, 2022-present
Incumbent? Yes
Continued pursuit of the city's financial stability by using responsible efforts to maintain a definite balance between revenues and expenditures; balancing workload amid staffing challenges; strengthening the partnership between the city and the YMCA, providing a better experience for all participants.
I am seeking reelection because my involvement with the city over the last 40 years as an alderman and mayor gives the community the advantage of having someone who will be fair and honest and holds the interest of the city at heart.