Green Park Mayor
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Tim Thuston
What are your top three priorities?
Why are you qualified to serve in this office?
Highest Post-secondary education
Some college
Public elected offices held
Alderman, Green Park, Ward 2, 2007-2019; mayor, Green Park, 2019-present
Continuing the safe and secure quality of living in our city. Assuring our streets are well maintained, clear of snow and debris. Getting the cooperation from our commercial/industrial businesses to help maintain the streets they use by taking the burden off the residents alone, effectuating a real property tax on just the commercial properties and not the homeowners.
When this upcoming term expires, I will have been in service to the city for 20 continuous years. This has given me a unique prospective into the inner workings of Green Park's structure. I grew up in south St Louis County and raised my six children here as well. I'm always looking for ways to get more of our younger residents involved in city government or our committees.
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