Pine Lawn Alderman, Ward 1

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  • Candidate picture

    Dionne Peeples-Jones

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 56
Campaign website
Highest Post-secondary education B.J., University of Missouri-Columbia
Public elected offices held Alderperson, Pine Lawn, Ward 1, 2021-present
Incumbent? Yes
The population decreases by 1,000 residents every 10 years, according to the census. In order to have a strong, growing community again, we must demolish or renovate dilapidated buildings to create homeownership opportunities, strengthen code enforcement, prioritize community policing and make sure the city's finances are allocated in a way that moves the city forward.
I combine my care for community with my commitment to serve. I use my journalism skills to investigate and find resources. And I use my entrepreneurial skills to ensure financial management within the city. As an alderperson, I have found resources to board up or demolish buildings for free and I have created a checks and balances systems to ensure financial oversight.