Shrewsbury Alderman, Ward 3

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  • Candidate picture

    Steven Moro

  • Candidate picture

    Bette Welch

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

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Candidate response is not yet available.
Age 75
Highest Post-secondary education CPA, University of Illinois
Public elected offices held Alderperson, Shrewsbury, Ward 3, 2021-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Retain and attract stellar Shrewsbury fire, police and ambulance personnel through competitive salaries and staffing levels. 2) Promote economic growth to increase the tax base to support greater community services and amenities. 3) Implement finance commission recommendation to create a two- to five-year budget forecast to better prepare for financial challenges.
Shrewsbury alderperson four years, resident 17 years. Experienced small business owner. Recently sold my Shrewsbury-based CPA firm which I owned for 27 years. Experienced in accounting for nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses and governmental entities. Committed to financial stability and economic growth to assure Shrewsbury is the best place to call home.