St. John Mayor

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    Mary Halaska

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 69
Public elected offices held City council, St. John, Ward 2, 2008-2011, 2012-2024
1) To operate our city with a stable balanced budget and continue to offer quality services to our residents. 2) Work with our community improvement district to draw businesses to our city that will benefit the entire city and its residents. 3) Strive to keep our residences to a high standard so that St. John will be a city where people want to live and raise a family.
I started out slowly, first gaining knowledge on the personnel board, the park board and next on the board of adjustment, code review committee, budget committee, home improvement board, human rights commission, financial investment board and comprehensive plan task force. I also served as deputy mayor. I am currently a director in our community improvement district.