Meramec Valley School Board {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

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  • Candidate picture

    Tim Richardson

  • Candidate picture

    Brian T. Steel

  • Candidate picture

    Lou Vondera

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities for the district?

Share any experience in education or within the district?

Age 63
Public elected offices held Meremac Valley School Board, 2006-present
Incumbent? yes
Ensuring that the district's finances remain positive, overseeing the budget is critical. Continuing to provide as much as we can for teachers' salaries. Following through on our long-range plans. With continued community support for no-tax-increase bond issues, we will be able to update or replace several of our facilities.
I am currently serving my ninth term as a member of the board at Meramec Valley R-3. I have always had a willingness to work with my fellow board members to move our district forward. All of us working together - community, board, administration and staff - we can make a difference in the educational experiences of our kids.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Candidate response is not yet available.
Age 44
Highest Post-secondary education A.A., Lake Land College, agriculture production and management
Public elected offices held Meramec Valley School Board, 2022-present
Incumbent? Yes
Continue working to provide the best education possible for our students; continue working to provide quality spaces for students to learn in and staff to work in; continue to work on being fiscally responsible.

I am a graduate of the Meramec Valley School District and have lived in the district my entire life, so I feel that I have a good connection with the needs of the district and can help make the decisions to fill those needs.