Arnold City Council, Ward 4

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  • Candidate picture

    Claude Butch Cooley

  • Candidate picture

    Michael William Rethmeyer

Biographical Information

What are your top three priorities?

Why are you qualified to serve in this office?

Age 85
Public elected offices held City council, Arnold, Ward 4, 2001-2009, 2011-present; board member, Jefferson County Public Water District 1, 2019-present
Incumbent? Yes
1) Deliver top-notch services like the best snow removal, using great personnel and the latest equipment without raising taxes. 2) Make sure our city government is open and transparent. The people must be comfortable and on board with all big decisions. 3) Continue to keep major crime out of our city with a great police department and give them the equipment to do the job.
My experience serving on the City Council has produced results without raising taxes. My career as an operating engineer running cranes and other heavy machinery gives me an understanding of equipment needs at budget time and how to repair roads for less money.
1) To be totally transparent with the public and most of all honest. 2) Work together with the citizens of Arnold for change, making it a great city again. 3) Make it safer by investing in our police, fire and ambulance departments.
I have a lot of leadership skills from the Marine Corps, working with Anheuser-Busch and owning my own companies. I am a person who gives 110% from the beginning to the end. I will fight not only for my Ward 4 but for all the people of Arnold. New leadership is great.