St. Louis County Proposition B
Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall Section 2.190.3 be added to and Sections 4.020 and 5.020 of the Charter of St. Louis County be amended to restore checks and balances, oversight, and accountability of the executive branch by authorizing removal of the St. Louis County Counselor or any Department Director by five of the seven Councilmembers as set forth in Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 29,241, on file with the St. Louis County Administrative Director and the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners? The cost of legal counsel authorized if this amendment passes has no fiscal impact on taxes.Summary: The proposal, a county charter amendment, would allow the County Council to remove department directors and the county counselor if approved by five of the seven council members. Proponents on the council say some department directors appointed by County Executive Sam Page have withheld information needed for crucial decisions. Opponents, with Page in the forefront, said the county executive s job is to manage the directors and this measure would cut into that responsibility. They also say department directors shouldn t be caught in disputes between the executive and the council.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure