Kinloch Fire District Proposition R
Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Board of Directors of the Kinloch Fire Protection District be authorized to levy a pension tax of no more than .25 cents per one hundred dollar assessed valuation to establish a pension / retirement program for full time employees of the district?Summary: This measure would authorize the district to increase the property tax rate by as much as 25 cents per $100 assessed valuation to establish and maintain a pension fund for full-time firefighters. If passed, approximately $26,000 would be raised annually and the owner of a $75,000 home would pay about $36 more annually in taxes. Proponents say full-time firefighters do not currently have pension benefits and need them to retire when it is appropriate. Better benefits must be provided to attract quality staff, they say.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure