Meramec Ambulance District Proposition A
Four-sevenths majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Meramec Ambulance District borrow money in the amount of thirteen million dollars for the purpose of decreasing response times to 911 emergency calls and carrying out the mission of the Ambulance District by constructing, improving, equipping and furnishing ambulance stations and facilities in response to increased demand in call volume; and purchasing lifesaving medical equipment, ambulances and other emergency response vehicles, and auxiliary equipment, and issue bonds for the payment thereof?Summary: This measure would allow the district to borrow $13 million to build two new stations and renovate three others. Revenue also would be used for new ambulances and other vehicles and equipment. The bond issue would involve a property tax increase of 15 cents per $100 assessed valuation. If passed, the owner of a $100,000 home would pay approximately $29 more annually. The district has never had a bond issue and had its last tax increase in 2015. Proponents say emergency calls have increased 7% since 2022, aging ambulances need to be replaced and CPR machines and cardiac monitors are nearing the end of their serviceable years. They also say facility repairs are needed to maintain timely service in the 244-square-mile, three-county district.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure