Meramec Valley School District Proposition M

Four-sevenths majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Board of Education of the Meramec Valley R-III School District of Franklin, St. Louis and Jefferson Counties, Pacific, Missouri, issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $36,000,000 for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, renovating, furnishing and equipping new and existing school buildings, sites and facilities, including the construction of a new middle school with storm shelter and installation of technology infrastructure, and acquiring school buses? If the proposition is approved, the debt service levy of the school district is estimated to remain unchanged from the current debt service levy of $0.95 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.Summary: This measure would enable the district to borrow $36 million to build a new middle school and make other major improvements. If passed, taxes would not increase. If the measure is rejected, property owners would see a modest decrease in their property tax bills. Prop M revenue would fund a new 7th and 8th grade school with a storm shelter on the site of the Truman Elementary School. It would also fund a sewage lift system, water heater updates, restroom renovations, new flooring and other repairs across facilities, as well as new school buses. Proponents say Prop M would extend the work done in a previous bond issue needed to provide quality educational programs.

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    Yes - For the Measure

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    No - Against the Measure


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