Strain-Japan School District Proposition S

Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Board of Education of Strain-Japan R-XVI School District of Franklin County, Missouri be authorized to increase the operating tax levy ceiling to $4.3551 per $100 of assessed valuation according to the 2025 assessment for general operating expenses of the District, including increasing compensation for employees to attract and retain quality faculty and staff? If this question is approved, the operating tax levy of the District is estimated to increase by $0.61 per $100 of assessed valuation.Summary: This proposition would enable the district to increase its property tax rate by 61 cents per $100 assessed valuation. If passed, the owner of a $100,000 home would pay about $116 more in taxes annually. Proponents say to comply with new state-mandated minimum salaries and hire and retain qualified teachers and staff, the district must offer higher compensation. If this tax increase is rejected, the district would have to consider downsizing staff and/or eliminating student programs.

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    Yes - For the Measure

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    No - Against the Measure


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