Union School District Proposition K.I.D.S.
Four-sevenths majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Board of Education of the Union R-XI School District, Missouri, borrow money in the amount of Thirty-Five Million Dollars ($35,000,000), with and estimated no tax increase in the current debt service property tax levy, for the purpose of providing funds for the site development, construction, equipping, and furnishing of an Early Childhood Center and a storm shelter at Central Elementary; to remediate drainage issues and make playground improvements at Beaufort Elementary; to replace roofs at multiple buildings; to repave parking lots at multiple sites; to prepay existing lease financings; to the extent funds are available, complete other repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the District; and issue general obligation bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $1.0500 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.Summary: The proposition would enable the district to borrow $35 million to build and equip an Early Childhood Education Center, add to Central Elementary School and make needed repairs and improvements across the district, including drainage improvement, roof repairs and replacements, and repaving projects. If passed, property taxes would not increase. Currently, early childhood education classrooms are located in several buildings. Proponents say that a central location would provide higher quality educational experiences and be more efficient. They also say that additions at Central Elementary would provide a storm shelter that would also house a media center, music room, computer lab and counseling offices. Water drainage projects would stop water runoff damage to Beaufort Elementary.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure