East Central College Proposition ECC

Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of East Central Missouri (aka East Central College) be authorized to maintain the current total property tax levy by increasing the operating property tax levy ceiling to $0.4472 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, the increase of $0.0990 from the current operating property tax levy of $0.3482 is to be offset by a $0.0990 decrease in the debt service property tax levy, for the purpose of funding construction, maintenance and repairs, operating expenses, personnel and safety/security measures within the College District. Approval of this question will result in zero increase of the College District’s current total property tax levy, which is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.4472 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.Summary: The college district currently has a property tax rate in two parts: an operating levy and a debt service levy. This measure would enable the district to increase its operating levy and decrease its debt service levy by the same amount. This would occur after February 2026 when the district s current debt service is paid off. If the proposition passes, taxes would not increase. If the proposition fails, taxes would decrease. Proponents say the college has no need for new buildings but has maintenance issues such as the need to replace roofs and HVAC equipment, repave roads and parking lots and upgrade its welding center and central storage facilities.

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    Yes - For the Measure

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    No - Against the Measure


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