Crystal City School District 4-Day Week Provision
Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the school board of Crystal City 47 School District adopt the provisions of Section 171.028, RSMo, establishing a four-day school week for the next ten years in the district of Crystal City 47 School District?Summary: This proposition would continue the four-day school week, in place since the 2019-2020 school year, until 2035. State law requires certain school districts to get voter approval every 10 years for four-day weeks. Students are required to attend school for a total of 1,044 hours, which means that districts with four-day weeks have longer school days. Proponents say operating costs are lower with a four-day week, so the district will be able to meet new minimum teacher salary requirements and increasing costs.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure