Sunrise School District Proposition Kids
Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Board of Education of the Sunrise R-IX School District, Missouri, be authorized to increase the operating tax levy by $0.4000 to $3.9241 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the purposes of attracting and retaining quality certified and support staff, maintaining facilities, and meeting additional operating expenses? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating tax levy of the District is estimated to increase by $0.4000 from $3.5241, currently, to $3.9241 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the 2025 Tax Year and can be applied to the assessed valuation for each year thereafter. The District intends to reduce the debt service levy by $0.4000 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation in order to offset the estimated $0.4000 increase to the operating levy in Tax Year 2025 if this Proposition is approved by the voters.Summary: This measure would authorize the district to transfer 40 cents per $100 assessed valuation of the present debt service levy to the operating fund levy. If passed, approximately $160,000 would be raised annually to help cover operating costs and the property tax rate would not increase. Sunrise is a K-8 school district which sends the majority of its high school-age students to DeSoto High School. The increased revenue would be used for tuition and transportation for the high school students, increased teacher and staff salaries, and other operating expenses. Proponents say the salary increases will help recruit and retain quality educators.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure