Cedar Hill Fire Protection District Proposition Fire
Four-sevenths majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the Cedar Hill Fire Protection District issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $11,600,000 for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, extending, renovating, improving, replacing, furnishing and equipping fire stations and related facilities; acquiring and equipping life-saving and firefighting vehicles; and acquiring emergency rescue, fire protection and firefighting apparatus and auxiliary equipment to carry out the objectives and purposes of the District, improve emergency services and reduce response times?Summary: This measure would allow the district to borrow $11.6 million to make facility and equipment upgrades and hire more firefighters. If passed, the property tax rate would increase by 29 cents per $100 assessed valuation. The owner of a $150,000 home would pay an additional $82.65 in taxes annually. The bonds would be sold in phases starting with $5 million to make building improvements. Proponents say funds would be used to add a dedicated training area for on-duty firefighters and expanded living quarters at Station 1. Bunk rooms at Stations 2 and 3 would be expanded to accommodate full-time firefighters. In Phase II, a training facility would be added to Station 1. Finally, additional firefighters would be hired and new safety equipment would be purchased. More firefighters are needed because volunteer firefighters are decreasing and emergency calls are increasing.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure