Dunklin Fire Protection District Proposition P
Simple majority required.Ballot wording: Shall the board of directors of the Dunklin Fire Protection District be authorized to levy an annual additional tax of not more than five cents ($0.05) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation, the revenues from which shall be deposited in a special fund and used only for the pension program of the district?Summary: This proposition would authorize the district to raise the property tax rate by 5 cents per $100 assessed valuation to fund firefighter pensions. If passed, the owner of a $100,000 home would pay an additional $9.50 in taxes annually. Proponents say firefighters experience more injuries and illnesses than the general population and they should be able to retire when appropriate. A good pension program would allow the district to attract and retain excellent personnel, they add. Opponents say taxes are too high.
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Yes - For the Measure
No - Against the Measure